
Tekken 7 Official Rulebook

  1.	Acceptance of Tournament Rules and Regulations
  1.1	Acceptance
  Each player must agree to these Tournament Rules & Regulations to participate in the event..
  1.2	Changes to Tournament Rules and Regulations
  The field of esports is changing rapidly as are the games that are played in esports, and these Competition Rules will have to be updated or supplemented periodically to consider developments in the industry, changes to the business model for esports, and the updates to the Games. Accordingly, Officials may update, amend, or supplement these Competition Rules from time to time; and may interpret or apply these Competition Rules by releasing online postings, instructional videos, emails, or texts that provide instructions and guidance to player Members. Any material changes to these competition rules will be provided to the player through the Official Tournament WhatsApp Group/Discord Server/Website. Participation in the event will constitute acceptance of the changed rules, instructions, and guidance.
  1.3	Enforcement of the Tournament Rules and Regulations
  The tournament organizer will be responsible for, among other things, providing officials, referees, and administrators for this tournament (“Event Crews") and for ensuring compliance with these Tournament Rules and Regulations.
  2.	Registration Process
  2.1	Steps to register for the tournament
  Players are required to go to College Rival Website to register for this tournament. 
  For any queries, feel free to contact us on our discord server. 
  3.	Eligibility Criteria
  All participants must have attained the age of 16 or above to participate in the tournament.
FORMAT: 1v1 Single Elimination

Game Mode:
Participants will engage in 1v1 matches throughout the tournament.

Tournament Structure:
> City Qualifiers:
  - All participants will be placed in single-elimination brackets.
  - The top participants from each bracket will advance to the City Finals.

> City Semifinals & Finals:
  - The qualified participants will compete in a single-elimination bracket.
  - Winners secure spots for the Playoffs.

> Play-Offs:
  - Top participants from all cities will enter a double-elimination (GSL) group format.
  - The top player from each group will advance to the Grand Finals.

> Grand Finals:
  - The remaining top participants from the Playoffs will engage in a double-elimination (GSL) group format.
  - The ultimate champion will emerge after battling through the Grand Finals.

All matches, unless otherwise specified, will be conducted in a 1v1 format.
Participants are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations outlined in the official tournament rule book. 
Violations may result in penalties, including disqualification.
  Game Specific Rules
  Platform: Console Version (City Qualifiers & Grand Finals)
  Game Settings: Versus Mode, 60 Seconds, 3/5 Rounds, 2/3 Games
  In All the rounds, competitors will play 2/3 Games.
  No character customization
  The winner of the last game cannot change his character
  The loser may switch character
  Random stage selects (players may opt for an agreed stage)
  Players are required to read the tournament rules and regulations. Participation in the tournament signifies that the player agrees to abide by all the rules and regulations. Any player that violates the rules will be disqualified from the tournament.
  Punctuality: All Players must be in the customs room lobby and ready to play no later than 5 minutes before the match starts. If a player is not ready then he/she will be penalized.
  Match Postponement or Cancellation
  Matches will begin as scheduled and briefed unless prior notice is given by tournament Officials regarding postponement or cancellation.
  Players that are late/not present at the designated time of the match, are considered to be Walkovers. Players that infringe on the rules will be punished and penalised.
  Streaming Rights
  All the streaming rights for the tournament belong to Organizers only, No player is allowed to stream the match from their side.
  No Rescheduling of matches is allowed in any case.
  Game Rules
  The winner of any single Match is determined when the Game awards the win to that Player or upon the opponent causing a match disruption or other violation of the Rules as determined by the Tournament Organizer staff member.
  During a Match Set, the winner of any single Match must comply with the following winner lock rules:
  At the start of a Match Set, each Player selects their character and the stage is selected at random;
  After any single Match, the winner is "locked" into their character and they are not permitted to switch their character until or unless they lose a subsequent single Match;
  All single Matches are loser's choice; and
  The loser of any single Match may choose between rematching with the Player’s previous characters and stage, rematching with the Player’s previous characters but with a new stage of their choice, or returning to character select to choose a new character and a new randomly selected stage.
  Draws. In the event of a tied Match declared by a Double K.O. or timeout on the Game screen, the Match will not be scored and both Players will replay the tied Match with the same character selections.
  Missing Players. Players must be present at the call time for a Match Set. Players that are not present and ready to play within ten (10) minutes of this call time are subject to Match Set forfeiture.
  Match Disruptions. If a Player intentionally or accidentally causes a pause in a Match, whether by pressing the Options button or by experiencing a controller disconnection, the Player that caused the pause will forfeit the current round of the Match. If a Match disruption occurs that is out of control of the Players of the Match Set, such as the action of another Player’s un-desynced controller or a Game software crash or console hardware failure making Players unable to continue a Match, the Tournament Organizer staff member shall order the Players to restart the Match.
  Match Version
  All matches will be played on the latest version of the game only.
  Players' Code of Conduct
  General Conduct 
  High Standards for Professionals 
  All Players must always observe the highest standards of personal integrity and good sportsmanship. Team Members are required to behave in a professional and sportsmanlike manner in their interactions with other competitors, the Tournament Organizer, the media, sponsors, and fans. 
  Competitive Integrity 
  All Players are expected to always compete to the best of their skill and ability in any Tournament Game. Tournament organizers hold the right to penalize a Team or Player if found guilty in any case at their discretion.
  A violation of these Tournament Rules will result in sanctions at the discretion of the Tournament Organizer, as discussed in greater detail below. All decisions made by the Tournament Organizer regarding violations of these Tournament Rules are final and binding. 
  Prohibited Conduct
  Set forth below is a non-exclusive list of examples of prohibited conduct.
  Collusion/Match Fixing
  A player may not collude. Collusion is defined as any agreement among two (2) or more players, and/or confederates to disadvantage opposing players. Collusion includes, but is not limited to, acts such as:
  i) Soft play, which is defined as any agreement among two (2) or more players to not damage, impede, or otherwise play to a reasonable standard of competition in a game.
  ii) Sending or receiving signals, electronic or otherwise, from a confederate to/from a player. 
  iii) Pre-arranging to split the prize money and/or any other form of compensation 
  iv) Deliberately losing a game for compensation, or any other reason, or attempting to induce another player to do so.
  Cheating is prohibited. Any modification of the game client by any player, Team, or other Team Member is prohibited.
  A player may not hack during tournament games. Hacking is defined as any modification of the game client by any player, or person acting on behalf of a player. 
  A player may not utilize any exploits during tournament games. Exploiting is defined as intentionally using any in-game bug to seek an advantage. Exploiting includes, but is not limited to, acts such as glitches in buying items, glitches in Agent ability performance, or any other game function that, in the sole determination of officials, is not functioning as intended. 
  A player may not act as a ringer during a tournament game. Ringer is defined as playing under another player’s account or soliciting, inducing, encouraging, or directing someone else to play under another player’s account. 
  Vulgar or Hateful Speech 
  All Players may not, in any communication relating to the tournament, use any language that is offensive, insulting, libellous, slanderous, defamatory, obscene, discriminatory, threatening, foul or vulgar. 
  All Players may not post, transmit, disseminate any such prohibited communications. A Team Member may not use this type of language on social media or during any public-facing events or in any streaming. This rule applies to speech in English and all other languages. Also, Team Members may not encourage members of the public to engage in any activities that are prohibited by this rule.
  **Admins reserve the right to change/modify the rules in between the tournaments.
  The decision of the tournament organizer will be final in all circumstances.**