
Road to Valor Official Rulebook

  The Tournament administration reserves the right to amend, remove, or otherwise change the rules outlined in this Rulebook, without further notice. The Tournament administration also reserves the right to make judgments on cases that are not specifically supported, or detailed in this Rulebook, or to make judgments that even go against this Rulebook in extreme cases, to preserve fair play and sportsmanship.
  1. Code of Conduct
  All Players agree to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner towards other
  Players, spectators, the press, the broadcast player, tournament officials, and Tournament administration. Being role models is an occupational hazard of being a Player or organizer and we should behave accordingly. Any sort of harassment should be reported to the official Tournament administrators immediately. Harassment includes but is not limited to
  ● Offensive statements or actions related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability,
  ● Physical appearance, body size, race, religion.
  ● Also considered harassment are things like sexual images in public spaces, deliberate
  intimidation, stalking, following,
  ● Harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events,
  inappropriate physical contact and
  ● Unwelcome sexual attention. Similar restrictions apply not only to the players and Players, but every single person involved with or present at a stage of the Tournament. Anyone breaking this code of conduct may be punished, including expulsion and possibly criminal prosecution.
  1.1. Prohibited Substances and Methods
  1.1.1 Doping
  1.1.2. Refusing to be tested
  Refusing to be tested in case testing needs to be carried out is considered doping. Punishments will be the same as for severe cases of substance abuse.
  1.1.3 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods
  The List of Prohibited Substances and Methods created by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is valid for the Tournament. 
  1.1.4 Prescribed medication 
  If Players have an active prescription for a substance on the WADA list, they must send proof to the Tournament administration before the first day of the Tournament. They may still be subject to a doping test, but a positive result for the prescribed substance will be disregarded.
  1.1.5 Alcohol or other psychoactive drugs
  To play a match, be it online or offline, under the influence of alcohol or other psychoactive drugs, even if not among the punishable substances, is strictly prohibited, and may lead to severe punishment. Moderate consumption of alcohol outside the active tournament hours for a participant is permitted if not in conflict with local/national law.
  2. Conditions of Participation in the Tournament
  The following conditions must be met in order to participate in the Tournament.
  2.1 Age
  All Players participating in the Tournament have to be over 16 years of age. If a Player is below 16 years of age, such Players shall need to submit a NOC from their parents/ guardians in order to be eligible to participate in the Tournament.
  2.2 Home Country/Region
  A Player’s home country is the country where his main place of residence is. The tournament is open to all players.
  2.3 Residence/Nationality
  The tournament is unrestricted to participants from any country.
  In the case of other country participants, the Indian national will receive hosting preference.
  2.4 Game Accounts
  Every Player must have their own Game ID and must submit it during registration. The same cannot be changed once a tournament has begun.
  2.5 Delaying the Match 
  Match starts are absolute unless changes have been confirmed by the Tournament administration.
  Not starting a match as scheduled will result in penalties. After 15 minutes of no show or unable to start the match, the player in question is considered as a no show.
  3. Sanctions
  3.1 Breach of Etiquette
  For an orderly and pleasant game it is essential that all Players have a sporting and fair attitude. The most important and most common offenses are listed below. However, the Tournament administration may assign penalties for not explicitly listed types of unsportsmanlike behavior (e.g. harassment).
  3.1.1 Insults
  All insults occurring in connection with the Tournament will be punished. This primarily applies to insults during a match but also on the tournament website or facebook page. Insults on IRC, IM programs, email or other means of communication will be punished if the evidence is clear.
  Particularly severe abuse cases with radical statements or the threat of physical violence can result in significantly heavier penalties including the exclusion or the ban of the Player from the Tournament.
  Depending on the nature and severity of the insult, the penalty may be assigned to the player.
  3.1.2 Spamming
  The excessive posting of senseless, harassing or offensive messages is regarded as spamming in the Tournament. Spamming on the tournament website and facebook page will be punished depending on the nature and severity.
  3.1.3 Spamming In-game
  Penalties will be awarded if the chat function in-game is abused towards the goal of annoying the opponent, or generally stir the flow of the play. All chat functions are there to communicate efficiently with the opponent and the match admins.
  3.2 Unsportsmanlike Behavior
  For an orderly and pleasant game it is essential that all Players have a sportive and fair attitude. Breaches of this rule will be punished. However, the Tournament administration may assign penalties for not explicitly listed types of unsportsmanlike behavior (e.g. harassment).
  3.2.1 Misconduct
  The attempt to mislead admins or other Players, using false information, or in any other way deceive other Players will be punished. Common offenses are mentioned below.
  a) Faking Match media
  b) When cheating is suspected, and the match media in question has been faked,  the player will be disqualified immediately.
  c) Ringer/Faker
  d) Playing with Disallowed Player
  e) Misleading admins or players
  3.2.2 Cheating
  When cheating is uncovered, the player will be disqualified from the current Tournament. He will also receive a ban depending on the severity of the case the player is involved in and the ban duration depends at organizers sole discretion.
  3.2.3 Betting or gambling
  No Players, player managers, staff or management of attending organizations may be involved in betting or gambling, associate with betters or gamblers, or provide anyone any information that may assist betting or gambling, either directly or indirectly, for any of the Tournament matches or the Tournament in general.
  Any betting or gambling for/against your own organizations matches will lead to an immediate disqualification of the organization for all persons involved. Any other violation will be penalized at the sole discretion of the Tournament administration.
FORMAT: 1v1 Single Elimination

Game Mode:
Participants will engage in 1v1 matches throughout the tournament. MAP: BIND

Tournament Structure:
> City Qualifiers:
  - All participants will be placed in single-elimination brackets.
  - The top participants from each bracket will advance to the City Finals.

> City Semifinals & Finals:
  - The qualified participants will compete in a single-elimination bracket.
  - Winners secure spots for the Playoffs.

> Play-Offs:
  - Top participants from all cities will enter a double-elimination (GSL) group format.
  - The top player from each group will advance to the Grand Finals.

> Grand Finals:
  - The remaining top participants from the Playoffs will engage in a double-elimination (GSL) group format.
  - The ultimate champion will emerge after battling through the Grand Finals.

All matches, unless otherwise specified, will be conducted in a 1v1 format.
Participants are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations outlined in the official tournament rule book. 
Violations may result in penalties, including disqualification.
  4.2 Game Settings
  Mythic troops are not ban
  Without Equipment - On
  Same Level - On
  View all cards - ON
  4.3 Internet Connection  
  Players are responsible for maintaining adequate internet connection.
  4.4 Match Obligations 
  4.4.1. Punctuality 
  The online Match lobbies will open 15 minutes before the scheduled Match time. All  Players must be in their assigned online Match lobby by the Match start time. Matches will not be delayed except in exceptional circumstances.
  4.4.2. Communications 
  Whatsapp will be the main mode of communication along with email. 
  4.4.3. Hosting Tournament 
  Organizers will designate a Player to be the host of the Match lobby. The host must  remain in the Match lobby until the match is finished
  4.5 Match Disruptions  
  4.5.1. Disconnects 
  In the event of a disconnect, the Player that disconnected will be able to rejoin the  Match. In the event that a player is unable to rejoin the Match due to an in-game bug  before the second (2nd) round, the game will be restarted. If the same player  experiences the issue again, the Match will not be restarted. 
  4.5.2. Server Crash 
  In the event of a full server crash, Tournament Organizers may issue a replay of that  particular Game, at their sole discretion.  
  4.5.3. Stoppage of Play Tournament 
  Organizers may halt a Game or Match at any time and for any reason. In the event of a  stoppage of play, Players must remain at their devices and may not communicate with other Players until the Game or Match is resumed. 
  4.5.4. Restarts 
  The Tournament Organizers may order a Game or Match restart due to exceptional  circumstances, such as if a bug significantly affects a Player’s ability to play or the  Game or Match is disrupted by a Force Majeure or other event.
  Any cheating, as determined by the Tournament Organizers in their sole discretion, will  result in an immediate forfeiture and additional penalties depending on the severity of  the infraction. 
  4.6 Penalties 
  Players who break the Game Play Rules are subject to penalties  
  including (but not limited to) the following: 
  ● Match Restart  
  ● Loss of Game  
  ● Match Forfeiture  
  ● Temporary Player Bans  
  ● Permanent Player Bans
  **Admins reserve the right to change/modify the rules in between the tournaments.
  The decision of the tournament organizer will be final in all circumstances.**